homeward bound

A little less than five years ago, I wrote to announce that I’d taken a job in Meeteetse, Wyoming.

Today, I write to tell you that my Western idyll is coming to an end, and I’ll be riding (metaphorically — I still haven’t really learned to ride a horse) into the sunrise as I head back east. Starting December 13, I will be the Adult Services Coordinator at the Coralville Public Library, in Coralville, Iowa, just next door to my hometown of Iowa City.

It has been a fantastic almost five years in Meeteetse and in the Wyoming library system. I’m proud of what I’ve learned and what I’ve done, sad to leave the mountains and my little town, and excited about my next big adventure.

10 thoughts on “homeward bound”

  1. Congratulations, Laura! While I know Wyoming was a great adventure, I’m sure the thought of coming home again must feel wonderful. I wish you the best of luck in your move and with the new job!

  2. Best wishes for your new adventures, Laura! (And please continue to keep us all in the loop!)

  3. Laura, I’m going to miss having you as a Wyoming library colleague, but I know you’ve been wanting to get back home. Congratulations on the new job! I hope I get to see you from time to time!

  4. Laura, thanks for introducing us to Meeteetse over the past five years. It has always sounded like a remarkable place and I’d love to visit sometime (chocolate!!). I know you’ll miss it. We will be delighted to have you here in Iowa again!

  5. Can’t really believe it! You gave us all so much! Will follow your future adventures, Iowa’s gain is certainly our loss!

  6. Exciting! And that’s great that you’ll be in Iowa. I’ve always been psyched at the things they manage to do there. Yay hooray and congrats.

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