update on 9/21: URLs fixed!
I’ve now started all my fall classes, which are a slightly different line-up from when I last posted on the topic. I’m now taking
LIS 721 Library Materials for Children
LIS 745 Searching Electronic Databases
LIS 763 Readers Advisory Services
All told, that makes for 9 hours a week of class, 19.5 hours a week at the library, 8-12 hours a week of dog-walking, and 8 hours a week commuting, not counting time spent schlepping between dogs. And all told that adds up to lots of time spent on various duties and not so much time for blogging, I expect to be checking in periodically.
Also, may I belatedly add that you should check out the most recent stops of the Carnival of the Infosciences:
- Carnival of the Infosciences #5, hosted by Christina’s LIS Rant
- Carnival of the Infosciences #6, hosted by Mark of . . .the thoughts are broken. . .